Kingston Digital Europe Co LLP, the Flash memory affiliate of Kingston Technology Company, Inc., a world leader in memory products and technology solutions, today announced it is shipping the Data Center 450R (DC450R) Enterprise SSD, a high performance 6Gbps SATA SSD with 3D TLC NAND, designed for read-centric application workloads.
This streamlined server SSD delivers on performance while providing exceptional I/O and latency predictability, a requirement now amongst Data Center Class SSDs. Built to Kingston’s strict QoS requirements234, the DC450R is designed to ensure performance consistency over a wide range of read intensive and read caching workloads.
Kingston’s DC450R is designed for workloads that require 24/7 uptime and reliability, such as Content Delivery Networks (CDN), edge computing applications and a wide array of software-defined storage architectures. DC450R presents a specifically focused feature set that enables data centers to select the most cost effective SSD for their workloads. Businesses require results as they deliver on products, solutions and service level agreements (SLAs) and DC450R provides system builders and Cloud providers with a high performance, economical SSD standard they can count on.
“Today’s data centers and workloads demand a strategically optimised SSD designed with a streamlined and focused feature set for read-centric applications,” said Tony Hollingsbee, SSD Business Manager, Kingston EMEA.
“Our DC450R is designed to deliver on these expectations and gives data center managers the ability to select an SSD tailored for workloads without overspending on more expensive write-intensive SSDs. The 450R delivers I/O speeds and predictable low latency to ensure consistent high-levels of performance – both in the working application and downstream at the user interface.”
DC450R is available in from 480GB, 960GB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB1 capacities and is backed by a limited five-year warranty, free technical support and legendary Kingston reliability. For more information visit
Kingston Technology and
November 11, 2019
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